Monday, June 1, 2015

The 6 C's Squared Version of Learning Skills for the Twenty-First Century

The (6 C’s)2 of Education for the 21st Century

The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn.
                                                                                                             -Alvin Toffler -

Think Critically

Thinking Critically allows the individual to manage information. Information presented in a multitude of forms from a variety of media. Information that must be filtered and analyzed, authenticated and processed, and eventually must be synthesized in a form that will be useful to the individual. 

Characterize –
Where does the information come from? What is the validity of the information? What is the usefulness of the information?
Classify -
Where does the information fit within the parameters of previous knowledge?
Compare -
What are the positive and negative aspects of the information compared to know values?
Connect –
How can this information be related to what is known and what is necessary to understand?
Communicate -
How can this information be effectively passed on to those who can utilize the material?
Curate -
How can the information be formatted in a functional format for use today and in the future?

Work Collaboratively

Working Collaboratively engages the individual in the world they share through association. Association, that is created to benefit an organization and as a means to conduct business. Association that includes partnership and teamwork, leadership and assistance, and an alliance that serves to benefit the whole.

Collegiality –
How can varying personalities be valued and utilized for optimum outcomes?
Coordination –
How can the talents included in this collaborative effort be maximized for success.
Communication –
What are the most effective means of communication to create an inclusive collaborative effort?
Coherence –
How do the members of a collaborative effort maximize strengths and overcome weaknesses in order to maximize outcomes?
Character  -
How do respect and integrity play a role in the effectiveness of a collaboration?
Celebration –
How is the success of the collaboration measured and valued?

Communicate  Clearly

Communicating Clearly provides the means by which the individual can present information. Information presented in a multitude of means through a variety of media. Information that is clear and concise, effective and engaging. Information that must eventually be presented in a way that is meaningful to the individual as well as a global audience.

Clear –
Is the information effective for the intended audiences?
Concise –
Is the information formatted in the most efficient means available?
Concrete –
Does the information have a defined purpose and meaning?
Coherent –
Does the information provide connections to previous knowledge and intended use?
Correct –
Is the information correct and are resources available to validate?
Complete –
Is the information presented in entirety or are resources available to complete connections?

Embrace Culture

Embracing Culture encourages the individual to appreciate where we have come from, who we are now and how we can move into the future.  Culture associates the individual to all that surrounds them: art, drama, dance poetry, history, science, religion, written and unwritten language, technology and the individual themselves.

Core Values –
What are the basic beliefs and understandings of this cultural community?
Community -
How does the community function as an entity and within the realm of all other communities?
Chronicle -
How is the history and beliefs of this culture passed on to new generations?
Commitment  -
How is community committed to maintaining the values and relationships of the past, present and future of the culture?
Celebrations –
How are the milestones and values of the culture celebrated within the community?
Connection –
How are the members of the community included in understanding the past while shaping the future?

Develop Creativity

Developing Creativity provides an avenue for expression.  The structure means nothing without function.  Therefore, the individual must be capable of creating something with the knowledge that they have worked so hard to obtain.  It is in creating that the individual gains purpose.

Curiosity -
How is the desire to gain understanding cultivated to expand both knowledge and possibility?
Courage –
How does the environment reduce the fear of failure in order to maximize the possibilities for innovation an change?
Conceptualize –
How is ideation encouraged to maximize the imaginative process?
Constructive –
What are the processes involved from conceptualization to completion?
Change –
How is creativity  valued as a vehicle for change?
Cultural –
How is the process related to the cultural understandings of the community?

Utilize Connectivity

Utilizing Connectivity places the individual in touch with their world.  In today’s existence that is increasingly through the technology that is rapidly changing the way they view their world.  Understanding that connections are personal no matter what the means of contact and that humanity must remain in light of how the technology may change for each individual.

Communication -
How is technology utilized as a means of clear communication?
Curation -
How is content gathered, processed and stored for now and the future?
Coordination –
How are the aspects of  technology maximized for the community?
Connectedness -
How is technology utilized as a means of connecting to the global community?
Collaboration –
How is technology employed to create avenues of collaboration in the digital world?
Citizenship –
How is the responsibility of digital citizenship shared by all members of the community?

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